My "new" MP3 player.

For a while now I have had a Sansa e280 Mp3 player. It has served me well and I really like the ability to upgrade it with Micro SD memory cards, however I was getting tired of the music on there. When I went out and brought an 8GB Micro SD and tried it, it didn't work. I was confused so I did the usual thing when i'm confused; I googled it. It turns out that the first generation, of which mine was one, cannot use Micro SDHC cards, e.g. cards above 2gb. I found there is a solution however:


This is an amazing peice of software, availble for many models of Mp3 player, including the ubiquitous iPod. It is very easy to install and it not only solved my memory card woes, it did so much more. It is fully themable so I downloaded a windows vista style theme which was easier on the eyes than the default black and yellow theme. I also descovered that it comes with plentyfull games and apps. It even has a DOOM emulator for when you might want to get your game on, whilst riding the bus.

I am actually glad that my new memory card didn't work as installing Rockbox has given my old Mp3 a new lease of life. And I can now store 16gb of tunes for when i'm out and about. If you get a chance try this awsome software on your Mp3 player.

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